Python Programing.

online industrial training & certificate

Our approach with Mojo

We’ve learned a lot from building other compiler and programming language systems (e.g., Clang/C++, Swift, etc)

  • Be a fully compatible superset of Python, benefiting from its easy to read and understandable syntax and enabling its large community of developers to already know how to write Mojo!
  • Support system programming features and hardware accelerators that extend the performance and reach of Python into new domains as we move into a new parallel-computing world.
  • Be fully integrated with the existing Python ecosystem, extending and benefiting from all of the existing packages. We will also build seamless C and C++ interoperability to lift (and benefit from) work in those communities over time.
  • Provide a new high-performance heterogeneous compiler and runtime implementation that benefits from state-of-the-art techniques.

The psychological profiling [of a programmer] is mostly the ability to shift levels of abstraction, from low level to high level. To see something in the small and to see something in the large.Harjeet Singh

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